Appeal - taking part in the process guide
Please look at the indicative criteria
carefully before deciding which procedure to choose. The
written method uses fewer resources both for the Inspectorate
and the parties than appeals decided following a hearing or an
inquiry. This is because when deciding a case by the written
representations method the Inspector has only to visit the site
and surroundings prior to making a decision. This is quicker
and simpler to organise and undertake than a hearing or
inquiry. Our Inspectors give equal attention to every appeal
they handle regardless of the procedure – indeed for simpler
cases the written method enables them to focus exclusively on
the merits of the appeal without having to prepare for and give
attention to a hearing or an inquiry. All our Inspectors are
experienced professionals, very carefully recruited and
trained, and all, from the newest to the most experienced,
undertake written representation appeals. We would urge you to
use the written method wherever possible.
View the "Guide to taking part in planning
appeals" in PDF (509KB)