Design and ACcess Statement Guide
These statement help you to think about
the best design solution for your proposal and to explain how
you have chosen the deisgn which you submit. They are
used by us to help assess your proposals. Many planning
applications now require a Design and Access Statement to be
submitted with the application. Exceptions to this are
applications solely for engineering operations or solely for
change of use of land or buildings. Applications for extensions
and alterations to dwelling houses or erection or alteration of
incidental buildings will not require Statements unless the
site is within a conservation area.
Do I Need a Design and Access Statement?
New regulations, effective from 10 August 2006, require
Design and Access Statements to support most applications.
The flow
chart is designed to help you to decide
whether or not a Statement will be required for your
In order to assist you further, some explanation of terms,
in the form of FAQ's, is set out below:
1. What is an 'Other' application?
The regulations require statements to accompany
applications for planning permission and applications for
listed building consent. No other type of application, e.g.
Advertisement consent, Conservation Area Consent,
Certificates of Lawful Development, Prior Notifications of
agricultural, forestry or Telecoms development needs a
statement. Similarly, applications for approval of reserved
matters, or applications to carry out development without
compliance with a condition attached to a planning
permission will not require statements in their own
2. What is an engineering or mining
Engineering operations have been defined as 'works normally
supervised by an engineer'. They would exclude building
operations, but would include roads, accesses, sewers,
bunds and ponds. Where the application is for more than
engineering operations, i.e. includes building operations
as well, then the engineering operation exemption does not
apply. The Council does not have jurisdiction over
minerals applications and therefore reference here to
mining is for the sake of completeness only.
3. How do I know if the application is for a change
of use?
Look at the proposal, the existing use and the answer to
question 9. Where the application is for more than a change
of use, i.e. includes external building operations as well,
then the change of use exemption does not apply.
4. What is a dwelling house?
In planning terms, a dwelling house is a building used for
single household occupation. It would include a house or
bungalow, but would exclude for example, a flat (which is
only part of a building), a corner shop or a care home.
5. What is an incidental building?
An incidental building would be a building within the
curtilage of a dwellinghouse, which is used in connection
with it. It could include, for example, a shed, garage,
greenhouse, summerhouse or hobby room. It would also
include a fence around the garden of the house.
Design and Access Satetement Guide