Dormer WIndow Design Guide
The design of dormer windows to roof slopes for most
dwellings (bungalows, semi-detached, detached, terraced, single
and two storey) require careful design consideration. Most home
owners principal requirement is for additional floor area but
often at the cost of an ugly and overly large dormer window or
two that sits incongruously within the roofs setting.
A balance must be achieved between gaining the additional
floor space and the external appearance or impact of the dormer
window external form and bulk. If the balance is not achieved,
a poorly designed dormer can detract from a properties value.
DO NOT sacrifice a good externally pleasing design for simply
obtaining maximum floor space.
A properties roof line is probably one of the most important
design features - its crowning glory so to speak. If you start
installing obtrusive roof projections that are out of scale and
poorly placed, the most dominant part of a properties feature
can appear totally trashed not to mention its possible
neighbourly elements. Some dormer windows require specific and
formal Planning Approval where most Planning Departments of
Local Councils will protect and preserve the local character so
there is already some form of design control. At the other end
of the scale is the Permitted Development route where some
dormer windows can be built without any design checks or
balances from the Planning Department. This aspect alone has
probably caused more incongruous roof extension design than no
Dormer window design guide - traditional
Dormer window design guide -
Dormer window design guide - general
Dormer window design - general