Impact Assessment - Planning Policy Statement (PPS):
Eco-towns - Consultation
This impact assessment (IA) assesses the likely costs,
benefits and impacts of the Draft Planning Policy Statement:
This impact assessment (IA) assesses the likely costs,
benefits and impacts of the Planning Policy Statement
(PPS) on Eco-towns. This will be updated and published
alongside the final PPS following the consultation
programme in 2009.
As part of the next stage of consultation we welcome views
and any evidence on the likely impacts, costs and benefits of
the proposed standards, which will be fed into the final IA.
The IA is principally a tool for policy makers to evaluate the
impact of the programme, while the focus of the Sustainability
Appraisal (SA) is on ensuring sustainability development.
Impact Assessment - Planning Policy
Statement (PPS): Eco-towns - Consultation